Registered Nurse (RN)

Must have community mental health case work experience / Relevant post graduate qualification to be paid at CNS Grade 2 / Adult caseload / Free travel and accommodation

Registered Nurse (RN)

Must have community mental health case work experience / Relevant post graduate qualification to be paid at CNS Grade 2 / Adult caseload / Free travel and accommodation

Registered Nurse (RN)

Must have community mental health case work experience / Relevant post graduate qualification to be paid at CNS Grade 2 / Adult caseload / Opioid treatment worker (drug and alcohol experienced clinician) / Free travel and accommodation

Registered Nurse (RN)

Must have community mental health case work experience / Relevant post graduate qualification to be paid at CNS Grade 2 / Adult caseload / Free travel and accommodation

Registered Midwife (RM)

Dual Registered Midwife / Able to work across birth suite, antenatal and postnatal / Free travel and accommodation

Registered Nurse (RN)

ED experience needed / Triage and ALS certificate needed / Free travel and accommodation

Registered Nurse (RN)

Acute, ED and aged care experience required / Triage and ALS certificate needed / In charge experience required / Free travel and accommodation

Enrolled Nurse (EN)

Aged care and acute experience / Free travel and accommodation / $1500 bonus for completing a 12 week contract